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Učenje angleščine: kviz poletni angleški idiomi

Lahkotno, veselo poletje je navdih marsikateremu angleškemu idiomu: to make a splash, to travel on a shoestring, to make hay while the sun shines … Z uporabo idioma naredimo vtis in privzdignemo svojo angleščino. 

Učenje angleščine je tesno povezano tudi z učenjem idiomov, ki jih je včasih v kontekstu težko prepoznati, zato nam lahko povzročijo težave.

Preverite svoje znanje s kratkim kvizom! Katera od ponujenih možnosti je pravilna?

Lingula, ta jezična šola | Učenje angleščine - poletni idiomi

Make a splash / drop in the ocean?

She hadn’t had a lot of success in the first years of her political career. But in 2017 she _______ in Washington, D.C. as a political consultant.

  • make a splash
  • drop in the ocean

Pravilno: She hadn’t had a lot of success in the first years of her political career. But in 2017 she made a splash in Washington, D.C. as a political consultant.

Razlaga: Idiom to make a splash pomeni, da pritegnemo veliko pozornosti (attention) v javnosti.


  • Jodie Foster made quite a splash in the film “Taxi Driver”. 

Travelling on a shoestring / in a shoestring?

If you’re ______ budget and planning to camp and hitchhike in Iceland, you will need longer travel time to make sure you aren’t rushed, as sometimes you will be waiting awhile for a lift.

  • travelling on a shoestring
  • travelling in a shoestring

Pravilno: If you’re travelling on a shoestring budget and planning to camp and hitchhike in Iceland, you will need longer travel time to make sure you aren’t rushed, as sometimes you will be waiting awhile for a lift.

Razlaga: Ko potujemo on a shoestring, poskušamo zapraviti (spend) čim manj denarja.


  • I really learned how to travel on a shoestring when I studied abroad. 

Make hay while the sun shines / make a splash

The weather conditions won’t be this good for another several months, so let’s _______.

  • make hay while the sun shines
  • make a splash

Pravilno: The weather conditions won’t be this good for another several months, so let’s make hay while the sun shines

Razlaga: Idiom make hay while the sun shines pomeni, naj se nečesa lotimo, dokler nam je situacija v prid, saj ne bo trajala (last) večno.


  • We finally have the full group assembled, so let’s make hay while the sun shines and get this thing done.

To take a shine to someone / of someone?

I didn’t like Tom when I first met him, but recently he and I have been getting on quite well. I think I’m starting ________.

  • to take a shine to someone
  • to take a shine of someone

Pravilno: I didn’t like Tom when I first met him, but recently he and I have been getting on quite well. I think I’m starting to take a shine to him.

Razlaga: Ko je nekomu oseba že na prvi pogled zares všeč, lahko rečemo, da he has taken a shine to them.


  • My younger brother has really taken a shine to you.

Like water off a duck’s back / of a duck’s back?

My aunt told me my T-shirt was stupid, but her comments on fashion are ________ – she has no idea about what’s cool and what’s not.

  • like water off a duck’s back
  • like water of a duck’s back

Pravilno: My aunt told me my T-shirt was stupid, but her comments on fashion are like water off a duck’s back – she has no idea about what’s cool and what’s not.

Razlaga: Pomen idioma like water off a duck’s back nekako ponazarja brezskrbnost poletnih počitnic: kritike in nesramne (rude) opazke se od nekoga odbijejo (repel) kot voda od račjega perja (plumage).


  • Tom always criticizes Larry, but he ignores it and the criticism is like water off a duck’s back.

A place in the sun / a drop in the ocean?

After years of struggling as an unknown actor, he has finally found ___________.

  • a place in the sun
  • a drop in the ocean

Pravilno: After years of struggling as an unknown actor, he has finally found a place in the sun.

Razlaga: Idiom a place in the sun opisuje izredno dober in zaželen položaj, slovenska ustreznica idioma pa je prostor pod soncem


  • After years of hard work, Tim has finally found his place in the sun after being promoted to senior manager.

Like a fish out of water / in water?

Martin had never been to a supermarket before, so he was looking like a fish out of water when his mother asked him to bring some stuff to cook.

  • like a fish out of water
  • like a fish in water

Pravilno: Martin had never been to a supermarket before, so he was looking like a fish out of water when his mother asked him to bring some stuff to cook.

Razlaga: Idiom like a fish out of water označuje situacije, ko nam je neprijetno ali nismo popolnoma seznanjeni z dogajanjem okoli nas. Slovenska ustreznica je biti kot riba na suhem.


  • I went to an office party last night, and I really felt like a fish out of water.

Swim against the tide / test the waters?

Why can’t you cooperate? Do you always have ________?

  • swim against the tide
  • test the waters

Pravilno: Why can’t you cooperate? Do you always have to swim against the tide?

Razlaga: Plavati proti toku (to swimm against the tide) ni lahko, je pa odraz naše vztrajnosti (perseverance) in predvsem pripravljenosti, da bomo k stvarem pristopili drugače kot večina (majority). 


  • The designer always swims against the tide, which helps him produce unique pieces.


A drop in the ocean / a place in the sun?

Thirty thousand dollars is a ______________when you think about the millions that will be spent on this film.

  • a drop in the ocean
  • a place in the sun

Pravilno: Thirty thousand dollars is a drop in the ocean when you think about the millions that will be spent on this film.

Razlaga: Idiom a drop in the ocean ima enak pomen kot slovenska ustreznica kaplja v morje, predstavlja torej majhno količino nečesa v primerjavi z nečim drugim.


  • We just had a brief shower but it was a drop in the ocean of the rain needed to put out the wildfires.

Doesn’t hold water / is water under the bridge?

Sebastian’s story ______. It sounds too unlikely.

  • doesn’t hold water 
  • is water under the bridge

Pravilno: Sebastian’s story doesn’t hold water. It sounds too unlikely.

Razlaga: Idiom doesn’t hold water bomo uporabili  takrat, ko bomo želeli povedati, da neki izjavi ali utemeljitvi ne verjamemo.


  • Dan told Claire he missed her concert because didn’t know what time it was, but that doesn’t hold water. We all saw him put it in his calendar!

Učenje angleščine z Lingulo

Čeprav so zgornji idiomi vezani na poletje, pa si vedno lahko vzamemo čas za učenje angleščine. Tečaj angleščine po govorni metodi je odlična priložnost, da postanemo samozavesten govorec tudi v angleščini in poleg novega besedišča spoznamo še zanimivosti o angleški kulturi.
