Poletje je čas sonca in sprostitve, in ne glede na to, ali potujete, ste v službi, preživljate dopust oziroma počitnice doma, vam bo poznavanje zanimivih poletnih angleških izrazov zagotovo prišlo prav.
Angleščina – praktične poletne fraze zajemajo različne teme, kot so uživanje na soncu in v ledenih dobrotah, sprostitev, pikniki, potovanja in še več. S pomočjo teh izrazov bo vaša angleščina v pogovoru zvenela še bolje.

1. Hit the beach /catch some rays
Let’s pack our beach towels and sunscreen and hit the beach to catch some rays.
- Hit the beach: To go to the beach and enjoy the sun, sand, and water.
- Catch some rays: To spend time in the sun or get a suntan.
2. Cool off
After a long hike, we jumped into the refreshing lake to cool off.
- Cool off: To lower your body temperature, often by swimming or enjoying a cold drink.
3. Lazy days of summer
The lazy days of summer are perfect for lounging in a hammock and enjoying a good book.
- Lazy days of summer: Referring to a relaxed and unhurried period during the summer months.
4. Summer breeze
As I sat on the porch swing, I closed my eyes and felt the gentle summer breeze brush against my skin, bringing a sense of tranquility and relief from the heat.
- Summer breeze: Referring to a gentle and refreshing wind during the summer season.
5. Sun-kissed
After spending a week at the tropical resort, I came back with a beautiful sun-kissed glow.
- Sun-kissed: Having a warm and radiant complexion due to exposure to the sun.
6. Summer fling
I had a memorable summer fling while vacationing in Greece; we spent lazy days on the beach, exploring the islands together, and creating unforgettable memories.
- Summer fling: A short-lived romantic or casual relationship that occurs during the summer.
7. Beach bum
My brother is a true beach bum. He spends every summer surfing, playing volleyball, and soaking up the sun.
- Beach bum: Referring to someone who spends a lot of time at the beach and embraces a laid-back lifestyle.
8. Go for a dip in the pool/catch some waves
It’s so hot outside! Why don’t we go for a dip in the pool or grab our boards and catch some waves to cool off.
- Go for a dip in the pool: Expressing the intention to swim or take a quick swim in a pool.
- Catch some waves: Indicating the intention to go surfing or bodyboarding.
9. Scorching hot
With the temperature reaching 40 degrees, it’s scorching hot today. Time to stay hydrated and seek shade.
- It’s scorching hot: Describing extremely high temperatures during the summer.
10. To catch some waves
The waves are perfect for surfing today. I’m grabbing my board and heading out to catch some waves.
- To catch some waves: Indicating the intention to go surfing or bodyboarding.
11. To fire up the grill
The backyard is the ideal spot for a summer barbecue. Let’s fire up the grill and enjoy some delicious burgers and grilled vegetables.
- To fire up the grill: Referring to the act of starting a barbecue and cooking food outdoors.
Poletna angleščina z Lingulo
Čeprav so zgornji idiomi vezani na poletje, pa si vedno lahko vzamemo čas za angleščino, saj je to odlična priložnost, da postanemo samozavesten govorec tudi v v tem jeziku. Angleščina z Lingulo je priložnost, da poleg novega besedišča spoznamo tudi zanimivosti o angleški kulturi.
Preverite poletne tečaje angleščine – hitri osvežitveni tečaji konverzacije ali individualni tečaj (akcija: plačaš enega, učita se dva).